
高扬外特精通 建设教育强国 ——致全校党员干部的一封信

高扬外特精通  建设教育强国






学习过程中,大家深学细研,体悟感思,结合实际,谋划工作,为学校党的建设和事业发展建言献策。同志们认为要高位谋划顶层设计,学深吃透《教育强国建设规划纲要(2024—2035年)》,抢抓战略机遇,发挥比较优势,拓展新领域新赛道,雕刻“2035北外模样同志们勇担落实立德树人根本任务,落实五育并举综合评估方案,推动思政课程与课程思政深度融合,构建新时代大思政格局;同志们支持创新人才培养模式,优化专业设置和培养方案,巩固金本科,加强研究生教育,探索本硕博贯通培养,全面提升教学质量;同志们提出发挥学科牵引作用,推动外语学科与非外语学科、一级学科博点与非一级学科博点协同发展,促进学科建设提质升级;同志们期待提升科研创新能力,加强有组织科研,建设更多高水平科研创新平台,加大重点科研团队培育力度,建设北外高质量多语种期刊方阵,推动标志性成果产出;同志们呼吁建设一流师资队伍,广泛吸纳海内外一流人才加盟,扶持校内培育优秀青年学者,完善教师评价和职称评审机制,建好干部、人才两支队伍,坚持骨干示范、分类评价,各自卓越;同志们重视推进教育数字化转型,让信息技术与外语教育深度融合,坚持数智赋能,提升教师数字素养,创建智能教育环境;同志们展望形成国际交流新格局,开展高水平国际合作,积极参与全球教育治理;同志们关心改善办学条件保障,努力拓展办学空间,优化资源配置,支持校办产业创新发展,提升品牌价值,实现经济效益与社会效益的统一。学校党委对广大干部提出的真知灼见高度重视,倍加珍惜。这不仅体现了广大党员干部学习贯彻全国教育大会精神的真实成效,也彰显了同志们强烈的主人翁意识和担当精神。学校党委印发的《北京外国语大学关于深化综合改革 推动学校平稳较快发展的若干措施》,与同志们的意见建议异曲同工,高度一致。党委主要职能部门应结合意见建议和《若干措施》,进行系统梳理,消化吸收,集中研究,谋划推进。


















Uphold BFSU’s Characteristics to Sustain Educationally Powerful Country

A Letter to All CPC Members and Officials at BFSU


All party members and officials

As autumn brings a season of harvest, we reflect on a fruitful period of learning and growth. In recent days, under the guidance of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Education, all the officials at the departmental levels and above at BFSU participated in an intensive training program centered on the principles of the National Education Conference. We came to a unanimous recognition that the conference, convened by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the 40th Teachers’ Day, represented a significant move in building an educationally powerful country. This landmark event underscored the profound commitment to education by CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core. The conference highlighted the political, people-centered, and strategic dimensions of education, charting the course for the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, advancing comprehensive reforms in education, and building China into a globally influential hub of education.


During the training, participants engaged in in-depth learning and reflection in relation to their own work, making different strategic and practical suggestions for strengthening Party organization and improving education quality at BFSU. These ideas focus on:

Top-level Design: It is essential to align with the principles of National Program for Strengthening Education (2024–2035), seize strategic opportunities to leverage BFSU’s comparative advantages so as to open up new arenas to shape the “2035 BFSU Vision.”

Moral Education as the Foundation: We should implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education by facilitating the Integration of Moral, Intellectual, Physical, Aesthetic and Labor Education. We should intensify moral and political education across different disciplines to establish a robust framework for moral guidance in new era.

Innovative Student Cultivation: We should improve academic program setup and curriculum planning to consolidate BFSU’s excellence in undergraduate education. We should strengthen graduate programs, and explore the through-train project linking bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. All these measures can help to upgrade BFSU’s education quality in all respects.

Discipline-driven Principle: We should advance interdisciplinary collaboration between foreign languages and other disciplines. We should coordinate growth of disciplines with and without authority to offer doctoral degree to raise disciplinary quality at BFSU.

Research and Innovation: We should strengthen well-organized research initiatives, establish high-level platforms, and foster leading research teams in key areas. We should develop multilingual, high-impact academic journals to foster landmark achievements.

High-quality Faculty: We should develop a world-class faculty by attracting outstanding global talents from outside BFSU and nurturing promising young scholars now at BFSU. This goal can be achieved through refining faculty evaluation-promotion systems so that both teachers and administrative officials can be assessed by domains-specific performances and standards for differentiated excellence in their own areas.

Digital Transformation in Education: We should embrace the integration of information technology and foreign language education. We should create smart learning environments by enhancing teachers’ digital competence and creating intelligent educational environment.

Active Global Communication: We should carry out high-level international cooperation and participate in global education governance.

Better Working Environment: We should expand school-running space and improve campus infrastructure and resources. We should support university-affiliated institutions for their innovative growth to capture both economic and social benefits.

The Party Committee of BFSU highly values these insightful suggestions, which reflect both a solid grasp of the National Education Conference’s principles and a strong sense of ownership among Party members and officials at BFSU. These ideas highly echo with the recently issued Measures for Deepening Comprehensive Reform for Steady and Robust Development (thereafter referred to as Measures). Guided by the Party Committee of BFSU, the administrative offices in the school will systematically study these suggestions with respect to the Measures, and formulate specific plans for further actions.


Unify Thinking and Strengthen Resolve: We should implement the Party Central Committee’s decisions and the Ministry of Education’s directives to deepen our understanding of Xi Jinping’s important discourses on education and the conference’s principles. In specific sense, we should embody the principles of the National Program for Strengthening Education (20242035), and align our efforts with the essential attributes of building an educationally powerful nation to backup its realization. We should make new explorations based on past successful experience so that comprehensive reforms can be made to implement the Measures to steadily and robustly advance university development.


Highlight Characteristics for Targeted Development: We should identify BFSU’s development position by functioning as a unique player in serving national strategies. For that purpose, the philosophy of “Foreign Language Excellence in General Education” shall be upheld in innovative actions to pool global education resources. To achieve that aim, the six CREATE global action plans should be carried out to deepen substantive collaborations with internationally renowned universities. Furthermore, Confucius Institutes should be strengthened through initiatives such as Discover China program and “Study at BFSU” project. In addition, a series of international education platforms should be established to design teaching systems for specialized talents tailored for international organizations.


Prioritize Key Areas: We should take active actions to cater for the new educational situations in new period. With BFSU’s key directions and major tasks in mind, we should strengthen the discipline of foreign languages and literatures through the implementation of the “101 Project”. We should further advance six doctoral degree programs by making teaching plans and three-year development goals. Great efforts should be made to introduce or train academic leaders, stressing the cultivation of outstanding young scholars. High-level research teams should be fostered to raise BFSU’s disciplinary competition as a whole. Research evaluation systems should be reformed to allow for diversified excellence. In this way, we strive to produce significant landmark achievements, and encourage the applications of research findings in specific fields.


Commit to Action: All the teachers and administrative officials should continuously enhance professional competence through theoretical learning and knowledge renewal to ensure a full and correct understanding of new development philosophy. Besides, we should cultivate proper perspectives on achievement, career, and life, and master effective working methods. In short, we should adhere to a talent-driven strategy in school management. We should upgrade faculty’s overall quality by highlighting an educator’s spirit of dedication. What’s more, we should regularly optimize faculty management to unlock the potential of teachers in teaching and academic pursuit.


Comrades, as the saying goes, “The mighty flight of the roc bird is not due to the strength of a single feather, and the swift pace of a steed is not the result of one hoof alone.” BFSU is the shared home of all BFSUers, whose dedication and innovation decide BFSU’s reform and development. With a shared vision and resolute determination, let us forge ahead following the same plan for our common goal: lending BFSU’s strength to the historic mission of building China an educationally powerful country!



Party Committee Organization Department, Faculty Affairs Department
Beijing Foreign Studies University
November, 18th, 2024